Saturday, 3 September 2016

TrackR-Find Lost Items In Seconds

Never lose anything again! TrackR will track anything you put it on, never lose your keys, wallet or phone again

Sunday, 6 September 2015

         Plastic Bottles go Solar that's to help the needy peoples for giving them free light to their house  during the day using the sun light-Cheaper DIY that SAVE $$$$$.......  

Remember: Helping other is to help yourself.

Sunday, 5 April 2015

Ordinarily, they would have stayed strangers...


I might not be someone’s first choice, but I am a great choice. I don’t pretend to be someone I’m not, because I’m good at being me. I might not be proud of some of the things I’ve done in the past, but I’m proud of who I am today. I may not be perfect, but I don’t need to be. Take me as I am or watch me as I walk away. — Unknown


I have arrange some stuff find from Qoo10 that's nice and cheap.(fyi: Hmm not all are cheap but very nice hehe) Just for sharing. I will keep update.(ongoing)
Smartphone accessories